The Top Pic Collective

Jaw-dropping install

Learn how to create unique design elements that allow your events to become one of a kind. Create dazzling entry ways and floating centerpieces or waterless floral frames. Let your creativity shine with limitless design options.

Featured Curriculum

Snippet of what you'll learn!

Lush Tablescapes

Learn the basics of how to arrange a table and make it look luxurious. Lush Tablescapes lessons will provide you with some insight into the intricacies of creating attractive and decorative effects, often from matching plates, and more.

(New Lessons coming soon)

The Top Pic Collective
Meet people in the field of Luxury Design who want to help others work in a fun and educational environment.

We will give you the basics to guide you through your first steps and then introduce more detailed classes that will lay a strong foundation for your business.

We have selected the top lessons to give you an immediate impact on your skillset growth.